• Download and Purchase requirements :
    Your username here MUST MATCH your XenForo username (connected to your XF license).
    Once you have registered here, then you need to validate your XenForo license at XenBg.com, From --> Your Account here <-- and provide the following:
    1. Your XenForo License Validation Token.
    2. The Domain Name associated with the License.
    NOTE: Your account will be validated once ALL requirements are verified, and after that you will be able to download and purchase my Styles and AddOns . Thank you for your patience.
  • The Terms and Rules is updated, and you can check him at -->Terms and Rules of XenBg <--

The old school

The old school is a time when we are not lazy to think, listen and reason like intellectual beings. And the rest of the time there is no reason to bother with this? After all, who needs thinking when you can just follow the latest “trend” and fool yourself into thinking that you are “aware” and “enlightened”? Long live the new era of intellectual laziness and superficial reasoning!

Thoughts and Passions

Reality as it is, or at least as much as we can afford to describe it. Some of the things written here you won't like, but that's life, ups and downs.