Coming Soon [XenBg] Portal Lite

Lite version of XenBg Portal
[XenBg] Portal Lite
This is a Lite version of XenBg Portal accessible to most people. Even though I worked hard to figure out how to create my own custom page, I still have to be understanding and realize that money doesn't grow on trees. So here's a good starting point to create something of your own, go all the way, and if you succeed, you'll know why it is and needs to be expensive! And if you fail, you will know even more why it is expensive!
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Because there are comments like "It's too expensive", "I have to take out a loan to buy this add-on", I'm releasing a lite version that anyone can purchase.

I have never been dissatisfied that something is too expensive, if I want something, I just pay for it and take it. If I can't afford it, I make it myself. Of course, I can't make a Rolls Royce, unfortunately. But what I can, I do. I have never allowed myself to insult or argue with someone because their product is expensive, that's what they decided, that's what they did and that's it.
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Product Information

XenForo 2.3
Release date
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