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Expired society

Started Start date Start date - by Thread starter Thread starter Milen and have 0 Replies and 109 Views


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At the beginning of the 21st century, it was so easy to be optimistic. Just imagine: the internet was new, social media promised to connect the world, and technology promised to solve all our problems. We thought we were living in a golden age of progress and prosperity. Oh, how naive we were! It turns out we are headed for a society with an expired shelf life, where everything we do seems destined to break down, fall apart, or fail.

Technology: The Modern Curse​

Remember when technology promised a bright future? Now it has turned us into zombies, dependent on glowing screens and algorithms that know more about us than our own mothers. Technological progress was supposed to free humanity, but instead it has chained us in invisible chains.

Social media has united us to divide us. Now we can be friends with people all over the world, but we can’t have a meaningful conversation with the person sitting next to us on the subway. We have endless access to information, but instead of getting smarter, we are drowning in a sea of misinformation and conspiracy theories. Ah, the sweet irony of modernity!

Education: Diploma Production​

Education was supposed to be the key to a better future, but it has become a production of diplomas with no particular meaning. You see, in our time, it is not so much what you know that matters, but what your diploma looks like. Higher education has been turned into a business, where students are customers, and universities are diploma factories.

Lectures are given in front of blank stares, and textbooks are full of outdated information. But who needs critical thinking and in-depth knowledge when you can just "Google" everything? So, there you have a diploma, congratulations! Now go and work in a position that has nothing to do with what you studied. Good luck!

Ecology: Planetary Suicide​

Have you noticed that every year we hear about new environmental initiatives, while at the same time we continue to destroy the planet at an unprecedented rate? That's right, people! We've managed to turn planetary suicide into something of an international competition.

The irony is that we pride ourselves on recycling plastic bottles while producing them by the billions. We organize climate summits where our leaders fly in on private jets to discuss how to reduce carbon emissions. Our environmental initiatives are like trying to put out a fire with a match—impressively useless.

Healthcare: Trading in Diseases​

Healthcare is supposed to keep us healthy, but let’s be honest, it’s just another business that profits from our illnesses. Pharmaceutical companies make billions while we pay absurd amounts for drugs that often treat the symptoms but not the causes of our illnesses.

Doctors are overworked, nurses are undervalued, and patients are treated as just another case to be processed as quickly as possible. We are in line at the supermarket of health, where the quality of service is more important for advertising than for actual care.

Culture: Consumer Emptiness​

Last but not least, let's talk about culture – or rather, the lack of it. We live in a time when valuable art has been replaced by instant entertainment. Cinema and music have become products designed to be consumed and forgotten.

Reading books has become a retro hobby, and going to the theater – an eccentric fad. But who has time for deep thoughts and emotional experiences when you can spend hours scrolling through social media watching cat videos? So, welcome to the cultural void, where true art is rare and consumerism is the norm.

And finally​

Expired society

So, dear friends, here we are – in an expired society. Everything we have achieved is shrouded in a fog of illusion and hypocrisy. But let’s not lose hope! After all, we can always go back in time and start over. Oh, wait, we can’t. But at least we can keep laughing at the absurdity of our existence while we watch everything around us fall apart. Cheers to that!
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