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The old school, or when we weren't too lazy to think


Staff member
Dec 26, 2024
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For those wondering why this is called that, and what it's about, in this first post I'll enlighten you as quickly as possible. And if you didn't get it, you can safely read it again, knowing that I completely understand you, but I hardly support it. Ahh, old school! The time when people actually used their brains, instead of replacing them with meaningless clichés and popular memes. Just imagine, people who actually listened to others before rushing to give unsolicited opinions. Today, this is downright ancient ritual, like a sacrifice in honor of the gods of logic and reason.

When people weren't glued to their phone screens and lost in the endless jungles of social media, they had the ability to think! They could even reason about complex issues without needing emojis to express every "brilliant" thought. Reading a book was a process that required not only attention but also a certain amount of patience – two concepts that have practically disappeared from the vocabulary of modern man today. Instead of reading headlines and sharing articles that they hadn’t even opened, people actually immersed themselves in the content.

In the past, people were actually interested in what others were saying. They listened to understand, not just waited for their turn to speak without being asked. If you suggested to someone today the idea of sitting down and listening to someone with a different opinion, you would probably get a response like: “Why should I? I’m right and that’s it!” Yes, that’s right – dialogue and understanding different points of view are for the weak!

Reasoning requires effort, and who has that in our age of instant gratification? Today, we all know that it is much easier to stick to one-sided, simplistic “truths” and repeat them like parrots, rather than to think and question our own beliefs. Thinking was a way to develop the personality, to improve the intellect and to search for truth.

The old school is a time when we are not lazy to think, listen and reason as intellectual beings. And the rest of the time there is no reason to bother with this? After all, who needs thinking when you can just follow the latest “trend” and fool yourself into thinking that you are “aware” and “enlightened”? Long live the new era of intellectual laziness and superficial reasoning!

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