Dev Log  XenBg Pro Style

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keep it simple new style xenbg pro
Dev Log is a diary of the development and evolution of this add-on or style for XenForo.
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Perhaps every person who owns any kind of website (whether it's a forum or a blog, it doesn't matter) has had a moment when they saw something and said to themselves, "Wow, I want that on my website." But do we think about the consequences of overload, even if it is beautiful, hardly? For years I've dreamed of having a portal, like those old ones that had all sorts of things on their home pages, various texts sliding around, some sliders for news, others for the stock market. Horoscopes, weather forecasts and more and more....Beauty and quick access to all sorts of information (we won't look at whether it's useful or not)! But where are THEY now?

And that was the moment when I lost my mind a little. Because I had been trying to fit my new design all night, and now..... I ask myself, "What the hell are you doing?" And I started to scold myself because I forgot one golden rule: Keep it simple! That's why, with tears in my eyes, I decided to start my new style anew, following the golden rule. Because in the end, the most important thing for any website is the content! Yes, it's nice to have it beautiful, but it's not the most important thing.


And much more beautiful in its dark mode. As a developer, I have to sit in front of the monitor for a long time, which affects my eyesight badly. This is one of the reasons why I like XenForo 2.3, a style with easy switching from light to dark mode. And when someone is like me, with five or six hours of playing with colors, the design becomes even more pleasant.


And in the mobile version, the dark mode looks good, it's a little brighter, but it's beautiful. I think it could be tweaked a little more to make it perfect, but as my grandfather used to say, "God before me, and I after him."

And a little variety for Mr. Postbit :cool:

And little problem in mobile version 😂

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Day 2 with some customization.....​


I never imagined that I would ever make a beautiful design for any platform. But today.... I can say that I am quite happy. I am learning new and new things thanks to Google :D and my immense patience and stubbornness.

XenBg Pro's style is becoming more and more beautiful, with a little reminder of the past when everything was somehow a little more beautiful than now. We can argue about this topic for years, because everyone has different tastes, but the overload I mentioned a little earlier affects your forums, not mine :D ;)

What's next?​

Of course, there is still a lot of work to be done on the design, but I will try to release its first official version as soon as possible. For now, you can follow how this wonderful style is developing here. In other words, this is his dev log. :)

Day 3​

Fixed CSS issues in the header where it was showing a small triangle that was definitely irritating to the eye. The logo is now better positioned, not stuck on the left edge as if trying to escape :D Removed most of the borders because they were ruining the design, you have no idea how one pixel can ruin your nerves :D

Little by little, XenBg Pro is getting better and better.


How to center thread title...............???? 😭


Title is centered but......... sidebar mishmash........... 😭
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Day 4​

Okay....... I found a way to adjust the meta info and make it look good, but still, if the title could be centered, it would be perfect. I'll take a little break and continue boldly forward and upward.

Day 5​

I will probably never stop repeating that when there is a will, there is a way. After hard work, a lot of broken nerves, headaches and a lot of coffee, the XenBg Pro style became even more beautiful and elegant. Very soon the update will be ready for release, and everyone who owns the style will be able to enjoy it.

Day 6 with big news :D

I'm working on another big change for the XenBg Pro style that will make it even more enjoyable to use. And let me repeat again, where there is a will, there is a way. A new day, a new beginning, a new way to achieve what we want in our lives. Never give up, fight to the end with a pure heart and conscience, and you will get what you want.


I'm sharing this on my sweet developer diary. I'll share more information soon.
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Latest news​

In principle, I had decided to add the option for colored nodes, and by the way, I succeeded, however. To be honest, I was very happy because this is one of the things I like and unfortunately the ThemeHouse add-on does not work properly. So later, after a few days of nerves and obscene words :D I remembered that the styles after an update return the initial style settings. Therefore, if you have set the colors of your, say, 50 nodes, if you update the style, you will have to set them again. Which is not good, at least for me it would not be comfortable to play with the colors again with every update.

Well that's it for now about XenBg Pro Style.
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Hello my dear developer diary . This style for XenForo really got on my nerves, but it became unique and will always be so. But it's time to move on. Thank you XenBg Pro style for everything you taught me.
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