• Download and Purchase requirements :
    Your username here MUST MATCH your XenForo username (connected to your XF license).
    Once you have registered here, then you need to validate your XenForo license at XenBg.com, From --> Your Account here <-- and provide the following:
    1. Your XenForo License Validation Token.
    2. The Domain Name associated with the License.
    NOTE: Your account will be validated once ALL requirements are verified, and after that you will be able to download and purchase my Styles and AddOns . Thank you for your patience.
  • The Terms and Rules is updated, and you can check him at -->Terms and Rules of XenBg <--

Free FreeDom

This Style or AddOn are free for Download and use. BUT is not recommended to share it anywhere!


Staff member
Dec 26, 2024
Reaction score
Like i say before:
FreeDom is based on the default style of XenForo, stripped of all unnecessary things, but still remaining beautiful and convenient. FreeDom is suitable for any new forum starting its adventure. It was tested and created on XenForo v.2.3.4, and may not be suitable for lower versions of XenForo.

Fully deserving of its name, due to the extras it comes with, namely the footer. With dozens of customization options, including the ability to turn it off.

The ability to choose what widgets to have in the footer also contributes to its uniqueness. And if you don't like the colors, you can easily change them.

In this version usage of italic font are removed, and dark colors are improved.

I am open to any suggestions for improving the design, as long as they are within the normal and achievable framework. Thank you all for your cooperation and support. I wish you a happy new year, may you be alive and healthy, and may you achieve greater success in 2025.
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