Dev Log  Xenforo seo

Started Start date Start date - by Thread starter Thread starter Milen and have 2 Replies and 51 Views
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optimization seo xenforo
Dev Log is a diary of the development and evolution of this add-on or style for XenForo.


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! It's important google search engine to like your forum !​

Day 1​

Working on this addon is starting at 27.01.2025.​

I've been a webmaster for a long time and I know that SEO is important for absolutely every website, regardless of what type it is, whether it's a store, a blog or a forum. Unfortunately, many developers don't follow the golden rule when creating any type of add-on or plugin, and this has a bad effect. I'll try to create my own SEO add-on for xenforo, and we'll see how far I get. 🤓


  • XenBg-big.webp
    6.8 KB · Views: 226
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That i can say... Is a mishmash 😂

Day 3​


Maybe I have some progress with SEO on dev forum 34 :D Maybe I will be able to make the SEO add-on that I need and that has exactly what I want without unnecessary things. God is before me and I follow in his footsteps. Anyway, where I got to :)
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